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#5 Feb 12, 18 Ryccardo watching Thames TV from London Member Level 17 Joined Feb 13, 15 Messages 7,380 Country aytug25 said my psp has 660 pro cfwInstallation 1Run the PRO UPDATE first In the PROUPDATE, press (X) button to launch the installationNow it will writing 10 files on your · i tried 660 pro c2 on my psp3000, its running ofw 660 the psp shuts down when i try to flash pro udate instead of rebooting on cfw , i tried this with all versions 660 cfw but no use my psp just shuts off

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Psp cfw 6.60 pro recovery menu- · Add 660 PROB9, support for 660 firmware Recovery Menu Support Daemon tools pro HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THEMES ON PSP;PSP/GAME/PROUPDATE PSP/GAME/CIPL_FLASHER PSP/GAME/FASTRECOVERY 4) Install "Pro Update" from your PSP's game menu, it literally takes about 5 seconds to install 5) Every time you power off your PSP you will need to run Fast Recovery to re enable the CFW, unless, you run CIPL_FLASHER This makes the CFW permanent and should warn you if

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After that use the Fast Recovery as your recovery menu and plugin manager Link UPDATE TO OFW 660 ===== Download this OFW 660PBP and change the name to EBOOTPBP and place it in an UPDATE folder in ms0/PSP/GAME folder and run the installer from the XMB and then use the PRO UPDATE to flash install CFWHttp//wwwmediafirecom/download/zau3ttarwzi9vu7/PSP660CFWzip Step 1 Download and extract files Step 2 Enter USB mode on PSP Step 3 Copy the extrac• I wasn't able to run some games, so I updated to 660 PROC2 This, however, reactivated the VSH menu, blocking my access to the XMB To make it even worse, this CFW has the SELECT button assigned to quitting the recovery menu (and according to my googlefu, it doesn't let you disable the VSH menu at all);
· If you're running a temporary 660/661 CFW, then you can simply install Infinity directly and that's it!Installation 1Run the PRO UPDATE first In the PROUPDATE, press (X) button to launch the installationNow it will writing 10 files on your · After locating and removing the set of recovery_XXtxt and satellite_XXtxt files in /seplugins/ and rebooting the system, the text for the recovery and VSH menus is now correct and the recovery menu seems to be fully and properly functional now Yatta!
· Update PSP to 660 And install PROCFW Download god eater 2 psp iso usa If you have NO CFW proceed to "Update PSP to 660" If you have a version of PRO older than 660 Kia carnival diesel engine VGT 3 CRDi 4 16 valve V6 DOHC GDI 1 CVVT 2 Inline 4 cyl · 660 might be what you want you can spoof in the recovery menu to 661 through the versiontxt btw, you can triple boot to ofw, l(me) and pro it takes a few seconds,, so you don't have to choose one I did have a slow down problem with pro, but as it turns out, the vsh speed was set to its lowest setting it might be set to that by default, but it will save your settings afterMenu Create Ticket I'm trying to play all my SCUMMVM games (on version 141) on my PSP cfw 660 Pro B10 perminant Most games work fine however I am having problems with a number of games (not sure if they are related to the 660 firmware or the SCUMMVM version) and I would be grateful if anyone could help me with each Broken Sword Blank screen as it starts Broken

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· An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon About; · my psp has 660 pro cfw permanent, and i afraid to install infinity, because i afraid ruin it and brick it, and i think not a big difference, so i also have ps vita enso, can i use that certain game on psvita ? · I installed 660 on a PSP 300 but when i try 660 C2 or B10 it does the splash screen and then goes blank without bringing up the terminal text to complete the CFW install Any ideas??

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· Start by fully turn off your PSP by holding the power button for a couple of seconds After the screen goes dark, you know it's off, and you can let go Then press the big R button on top, and hold it Next turn on the PSP (still holding the R button!), and you will see the recovery menu · I have a PSP 1001 Fat that is running 660 PROC CFW nonpermanently I intended to use CFW to remap the PSP's buttons but I don't know how to access Recovery Mode to do it Select doesn't seem to do anything, and it does work in other games I haven't run CIPL Flasher because I'm new to this and don't want to do something stupid Any help would be awesome, and · im running 660 pro c2 on my psp 1000 (checked and double checked and yes it is a 1000 and not a 00/3000 or even the go) it could be because every time i reboot i lose the hack and have to run the 660 proc fast recovery i followed the first sticky tutorial and i ran the cipl flasher but every reboot gives me loss of hack how can i fix this and get into recovery #1 Feb 8,

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· (New) 660 PROB10 fix 1 released for all psp units Download it Here Light Custom Firmware 660 PROB9 (FIX) ( New) Official PRO CFW websites with download list For PSP 1000 & 00 with NonV3 Module!Since Sony's PSP 661 firmware update the PSP scene has come alive and a few more interesting developments have been made We recently reported the updated Chronoswitch which allows downgrading PSP's from firmware 661 to 660 Developer qwikrazor87 at around the same time also released this PSP custom firmware Download free capture one pro 12 · So yeah, that's it, you can safely update to 660 now, and install Pro CFW on it 6, 635, and 639 users haven't been forgotten, Pro CFW is still compatible with these firmwares, and adds a bunch of bug fixes, as well as my personal favorite UMD video support on the PSP Go (obviously, we're talking of iso images here) Downloads Pro CFW B9 for 660/639/6/35/6

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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us CreatorsHowever, the selection in the VSH menu still "skips" when pressing Up/Down, the selector moves two placesCrazy_95 , Mar 26, 21

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After that use the Fast Recovery as your recovery menu and plugin manager Link DOWNLOAD UPDATE TO OFW 660 Download this OFW 660PBP and change the name to EBOOTPBP and place it in an UPDATE folder in ms0/PSP/GAME folder and run the installer from the XMB and then use the PRO UPDATE to flash install CFW OFW LINK DOWNLOAD Psp 660 Permanent Patch · Hello, I recently got CFW 660 ProC Fix3, and I was wondering how to play PSX games I've already made an ISO folder in my PSP memory card root, and put a PSX ISO in it But when I boot up CFW, the game is not in the list And by the way I'm talking about PSX games that aren't on PSN, so not eboots, but actual ISO files containing a PSX gameOtherwise you might want to continue reading In the following I am going to explain how to install a clean firmware 661, which updates the PSP from whatever firmware it currently runs to Sony's version of the system software 661 These instructions can be used to

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· Update from 660 PROB9 CFW to PROC2 on PSP 3000 Discussion in 'General PSP Discussion' started by GeneXL, Jan 26, 27 3 32 GeneXL Member Joined Oct 17, 18 Messages 27 Likes Received 3 Trophy Points 32 Gender Female Occupation Professional Cat Girl Antifa Supersoldier Location in a hole EDIT Found out that there are newer versions of CFW for the PSPPress X 15 Wait for the files to be install and your psp to be rebooted 16 YOUR PSP IS NOW on CFW!!!!!From homebrew devs Coldbird, Virtuous Flame (aka Liquidzigong) and the rest of Team Pro comes the long awaited update of their Pro custom firmware for the PlayStation Portable • The PSP Custom Firmware 661ProC2 will work on all PSP

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· To enter CFW, and by proxy also the Recovery Menu and VSH on a non cIPLcompatible PSP running 660, you have to use Fast Recovery which is a part of the ProC package for your firmware Here's a link to the 660 PROC2 installation package, it has everything you need to enter those menus660 PROC2 CFW Item Preview There Is No PreviewFast Recovery Psp 660 Pro B9 Rating 8,9/10 1265 votes Custom Firmware PROB9 for 6, 635, 639 and 660 released Here it is folks!

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· Hack ANY PSP to CFW 660 PROB10 (Safe and Easy)(1000, 00, 3000, PSP GO) 2 Installing the custom firmware Now Download the PSP 660 PROC2 custom firmware, inside this RAR file you will find 3x folders that you need PROUPDATE FastRecovery CIPL_Flasher Copy the PROUPDATE to the PSP > Game folder on the memory card · In order to install Pro CFW on your PSP, you will need to first update your PSP to the 660 Sony firmware (which, at the time of this writing, is the latest firmware released by Sony), if that's not already the case Psp 3000 Recovery Mode There are versions of Pro CFW that will run on older firmwares, but updating to 660 will guarantee the best compatibility for your official · When using the CFW 660LME and pressing select, the xmb freezes, then when put to sleep and come back the SVH menu is there, but I can't move anything, then I put to sleep and come back again, and I can move but the VSH menu is gone The strange thing is that I aways had problems with the VSH menu in any CFW The 'home' button of my PSP don't work, the permanent patch of the PRO

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April 6, 18 April 6, PSP CFW PRO B10rar PSP CFW PROB10rar Psp cfw 6 60 pro b10 jpg I download ISO onto my hacked psp go and pro b10 all that good stuff but it just wont show up it shows that i have less memory on my psp go (goes from 14 gigs untuk saat ini yaitu custom firmware (Pro B10) firmware PSP (Pro B 10 fix) genD full saya udah download psp proAfter it finish installing the files, it will restarting your PSP in 5 second 3Check your PSP system software, it should change into PROB9 So that is how you install the PRO permanent Update on your PSP with version 660 For PSP 3000 & GO 1Run the PROUPDATE 2Run the FAST RECOVERY Only this two files that you need to run · PSP PSP CFW (NOOB Friendly Edition) 660 PRO C2 = 1of2 (CFW) The Noobiest of Install/Hacks EVER EVER (to put custom firmware on your PSP) UniqueUserName

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In order to install Pro CFW on your PSP, you will need to first update your PSP to the 660 Sony firmware (which, at the time of this writing, is the latest firmware released by Sony), if that's not already the case There are versions of Pro CFW that will run on older firmwares, but updating to 660 will guarantee the best compatibility for your official games · I can confirm the same bug is happening on my psp slim 3001 running CFW 660 ProC if I start gpsp using the default recovery menu setting of "force high memory layout" set to disabled, I get 16 MB rom buffer only contrary to build 92 where I had 32mb always if I enable "force high memory layout" in recovery, I get 32 MB as before But I think the force high memory · One option called "Press X to install CFW" 14 Once you have seen the "Press X to install CFW";

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· 660 Firmware PSP 660PRO_MODF 661 Firmware PSP 661PRO_MODF The above are the latest compiled versions of Yoti's Pro C2 mod and should be considered stable Yoti stated(To check, on your psp go to Settings > System Settings > System Information, And it should say "System Software 660 Pro B10″)This is ONE, of the TWO Download Links, for the AllInOne "PSP CFW (NOOB Friendly Edition) 660 PRO C2" package Everything you need to get started putting CFW on your PSP will be included I know it looks complicated, but if you take a few minutes (after acquiring the 2 Downloads) to review the tutorial (which will tell you how to figure out what you can and cant

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